Canoeing and Kayaking – Health Benefits

Many people still believe that running and visiting the gym are the most effective ways to lose weight and become fitter. However, there are plenty of sports alternatives that will help you stay healthy in a more entertaining way.



In case you want to try something different, get into the water. It’s time for canoeing and kayaking!


Before You Start

There is nothing new that both canoeing and kayaking are extremely addictive kinds of sport. You are likely to spend all your free time in the water keeping fit and having fun. In case you are a student, you might just forget about your academic assignments while paddling with your friends.

Therefore, it sounds good to get help with writing paper beforehand. By the way, many water sports enthusiasts among students are constantly wondering “Who can write my essay for me cheap?” as well as Can someone do my homework?”

Fortunately, you can order essays online and get help from professional academic writers in just a few clicks. After all, you will get brilliant papers done for you and will be able to spend as much time for hobbies as you want. 


Top Health Benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking 

Any kind of sports offers dozens of health benefits. Kayaking and canoeing are not exceptions to this rule.

How can you improve your health and stamina when going in for these kinds of water sports? Let’s discover the most outstanding benefits. 


Reduces Stress 

Spending time on the water, enjoying amazing landscapes, and watching your boat slowly gliding will surely make anyone more relaxed.



Beautiful sky and calm waters will also make you forget about all the worries and significantly decrease stress levels. Uniting with nature makes you feel invigorated and inspired. 


Improves Mood 

Kayaking and canoeing are among activities that stimulate the release of endorphin, the hormone of happiness, in the human body. In case you are feeling exhausted or depressed, it’s time to have a fantastic time on the water.

You will feel happier, healthier, as well as will elevate your mood for a long time. Relax is what kayaking and canoeing can offer all the water sports enthusiasts. 


Provides With Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is being released when you are staying in the sun. It is one of the most important vitamins for your body that can be hardly got from food or synthetic vitamins.

You can get it only when staying on fresh air under direct sunlight. Canoeing and kayaking are exactly what you need in case your body lacks this vitamin. 


Improves Heart Health 

Kayaking and canoeing require making brisk movements. This type of movement makes your heart beat faster, improving your cardiovascular health.

By the way, it is necessary to start taking care of your heart’s health from a young age. It will help you stay fit and have good stamina for years. 


Helps to Lose Weight 

Many people are dreaming about losing weight within the shortest terms and with minimum efforts. Most of them stick to various diets and are sweating in the local gym regularly.

However, these practices might still appear to be ineffective. Fortunately, kayaking and canoeing will help you lose weight effortlessly. In case you are counting calories, this information is right for you.

Health Benefits


These types of water sports can help you burn about 450 calories per hour! As a rule, kayaking or canoeing takes you from 3 to 4 hours. This means you can burn over 1,600 calories in a single day! 


Perfect Body Workout 

Are you dreaming about strong triceps? Still, looking for an excellent workout for your upper body? Kayaking and canoeing will make your muscles burn!

Although this is a low-impact workout, it will help you strengthen your muscles and get a perfectly-shaped upper body in no time. Achieving your fitness goals has never been easier. 


Reduced Injury 

When it comes to fitness and running, there are lots of risks to get trauma since these kinds of sports are high-impact alternatives. Canoeing and kayaking are excellent options for those who want to have a mild physical activity.

Both kinds of sports are low-impact ones, so you are not likely to face any sprain or cricks. These types of water sports are almost risk-free and are available to millions of people. 


Improves Mental Health 

According to recent research, canoeing and kayaking are great ways to clear your mind.

In case you are feeling loaded with tons of problems, it might be a good idea to rent a kayak and enjoy a perfect journey by the lake or river. 


Gets Your Legs Stronger 

Not only your canoeing and kayaking are excellent types of sports for your upper body. Your legs will become stronger, too.

You will feel pressure in the legs and will surely have well-shaped muscles on your legs, too. This makes kayaking and canoeing an excellent fit for the entire body. 


Boosts Social Skills 

Being social is important for your overall well-being. Of course, you can enjoy doing exercises alone. However, group sports are considered to be much more effective and will give you tons of fun and pleasure.

Canoeing and kayaking are exactly what you need when it comes to team sports. You can go kayaking with your mates or find new friends easily. This will make you feel happier, improve your communication skills, and just have fun. 


Improves Mindfulness 

Enjoying nature, sightseeing, and feeling relaxed when looking at the deep waters will not only make you feel more relaxed. You are likely to start feeling more energetic and mindful. This type of sports can change both your mood and attitude to life. 

All in all, kayaking and canoeing offer a whopping number of health benefits to all enthusiasts and professional sportsmen. These types of sports can elevate your mind, forget about stress, make your body stronger, and lose weight with minimum efforts.

In case you don’t know whether these kinds of sports are right for you, you can try both and decide whether you like it or not. By the way, most people who tried kayaking or canoeing really enjoyed these types of sports. 

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