FeelFree Lure 11.5 Review : Our Favorite Fishing Kayak Gets Even Better!

Fishing in Kayaks is way more enjoyable than in boats. Kayaks usually provide an easier fishing option with fish finders, massive storage options for fishing kayaks and a simplistic design to make the job of any fisherman easier.


Personally, I prefer the Lure 11.5 from FeelFree Kayaks for a multitude of reasons. It’s got a huge storage space and the seat is designed to comfort you to the most with a space of your fish bag.

This is a kayak that is designed with bigger anglers in mind. Precisely, it is 11 feet, 6 inches long, 36 inches wide and weighs 74 pounds. The kayak can support a maximum capacity of 425 lb. Let me discuss additional benefits this kayak has to offer in the following review article.

'Sit On' and 'Stand Up' Design

This kayak is designed keeping comfort and control in mind. Whether you talk about the loading capacity of the Kayak or the arrangement it has for the fishermen, the design is top notch.

The good thing is, you don’t only have to ‘Sit On’ the kayak to fish. Now you will have the opportunity to stand up and fish too, thanks to the floating design it has along with the additional space.

The makers have improved on Lure 10 model and made Lure 11.5 eligible for longer camping or fishing trips. The seat has an adjusting mechanism for the taller guys.

Crate Attachment Straps

This kayak is designed with crate attachment straps that are physically attached to the crate of your kayak. You do not have to stretch the bungee around, you only need to slip buckles and it is done.

If you want to adjust how tight the bungee holds the items, you simply have to move the anchoring points.

Also Read: Best Ocean Kayaks – Top Models Reviews & Comparison!

New Age Seat of Lure 11.5

The seat is the highlight of this product. FeelFree Lure 11.5 comes with the gravity seat. This seat has ten adjustable positions, each with a one inch increment. You can adjust it to your preference.

The seat is also removable if you want to fish while standing or want to use it outside the kayak. I liked the braces the seat has as it kept me secure when in the middle of the lake.

You can paddle well while sitting on it or standing on the 36-inch wide space you got. The seat supports your back through cushions that mold to your body. People like me who have back pain can feel at ease even after hours of fishing.

Uni-Track System and Paddle Keeper

The design makes it stand out from any other fishing kayaks available on the market. One of the best fishing kayaks with unique features including the new, removable, multi-level, multi-position extra wide Gravity Seat.

The kayak is equipped with a Uni-track system. This little feature provides a safe mounting option for your fishing rods and other accessories.

It particularly comes handy when you want to take a break from holding the stick and yet, you want to keep the bar in the same place without disturbing it.

It lets me store my paddle “In Boat” when I am transporting the water vehicle or simply in the middle of water when I don’t feel like paddling.

Stable, Comfortable & Versatile

The Feelfree kayak has taken fishing to a greater level in terms of comfort, versatility and stability. This unit is designed for longer paddling trips on oceans, lakes and rivers.

This unit is equipped with a padded standing platform that allows you to paddle when you are sitting or standing.

Storage Option Is Classy

I love the Snag less profile this Kayak has. The features and accessories are placed at convenient places for my easy access. For example, the Center Console.

It solves the problem of storing the fishes. Also, you will find a hole in there to hold your drinks. Not to mention, it can serve the purpose of a mounting area for the accessories as well.

Transporting This Kayak Is Easy

There are other benefits like “Wheel in Keels” so that you can tow your Kayak to the fishing spot. Also, you’ll get an oval shaped hinge

hatch. This hatch covers up and protects your hull. Once you need to access the hull, it opens with one touch to make the job easier.

Molded Handles

Another nice feature of this kayak is the molded in handles. You can use the handles as anchor points when you are transporting the unit.

Additionally, the handles on each side are effective in directing the water waves into the sides of your legs when you are sitting in the kayak’s lowest position.


  • The Kayak is stable.
  • The standing platform is reinforced with a “Standing Pad”.
  • The most comfortable thing is the seat, for me, it is the best in the industry.
  • The Kayak is set to last for a long period.


  • I’d say this Kayak is slow compared to the most.
  • It might feel a bit pricey to you.
  • You can only mount UNI-Track compatible accessories with this boat.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is the Kayak Good for Long Hauls?

A: Yes it is, I am using it for my 25th Fishing Trip this weekend and for the last 24th, it held up really nicely.

 Q: I am a bit tall; can I adjust the height of the seat according to my convenience?

A: Of course you can, the seat comes with 3 levels of height adjustments that you can use.

Final Verdict

The Lure Model from FeelFree delivers the goods even though it costs you few extra bucks. Transporting the Kayak is easy, thanks to the wheels that come along.

Also, this surprisingly light Kayak holds fishes almost six times its current weight. The most interesting part is, the boat is eligible for your long adventure trips.

It is completely worth every dollar I spent on it and I highly recommend this product.

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FeelFree Lure 11.5
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I started this blog to provide advanced material, guiding you towards a better and more comfortable fishing experience. I deliver more than fishing gear guides, and motivate people to hit the water!

  • Avatar photo Jim Cosby says:

    I’ve owned a Lure 11.5 for twos years and in my opinion there isn’t a better fishing kayak. It’s is heavy and can be difficult to load from a slanting boat ramp. It’s 36″ wide so paddling isn’t exactly easy. I also have a wilderness system 120 as a comparison. There’s no way I would attempt to stand in the 120, even though others say it’s pretty good. The Lure 11.5 has a handy strap to help those of us that are up there in years. I’m 70 and VIET Nam related issues keep make me more aware of egress and ingress issues. To make a long story short, the Lure 11.5 is a winner, just be careful trying to load it solo from a slanting boat ramp.

  • Avatar photo Scott criss says:

    I have used my 11.5 most of the summer. I have primarily used it in rivers. The kayak is a stable platform and has ease of access to the front and back of the kayak. I bought this kayak on the seat. Ironically, after using this kayak, I hate the seat. It requires a lot of maintenance. After the the first float, 3 of 4 bolts were almost unscrewed. The 2nd float required a complete reassembly on the river. The last float of the year in 45 degree water;the seat broke and caused me to fall into the water. The seat is too complicated and under engineered.

  • I own the Lure 11.5 and thoroughly enjoy the boat. I’ve fished multiple times on lakes and slow rivers with it and it is very stable and roomy. There are a couple of downfalls to it though in my opinion. The first is the keel wheel. It works great on concrete or asphalt, but you can forget about trying to pull it through soft sand. I now live on the coast and am prepping to begin ocean fishing and getting it down to the water will most likely require that I purchase a third party kayak cart or wheel set to drag it down the beach. The other issue for me is the cup holder. It is in a horrible location and if you adjust your seat with a soda can or water bottle in it you will probably lose it over the side of the boat or crush it with the seat. Other than those two minor issues though it is a fantastic fishing kayak.

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